Saturday, September 28, 2013

Are Southerners really “Rebels” ...

Are Southerners really “Rebels”, not even close. Perhaps once upon a time the Southern populace had that “rebel” attitude and the mentality to tell the Federal Government, “You don’t own us!”
Now, in an era where truth is finally becoming more important than allowing a corrupt governing body to do whatever it wants, it is becoming clear that the concept of Liberty and Freedom are lost in these Southern United States. The South was willing to secede from the Union to prove that they would stand up for their beliefs. A great many people may say that slavery was a part of that belief structure. Sadly, it was, thankfully, it is no longer… or so the Federal Government would have us think. Slavery is wrong period. According to the Constitution of the United States, it is also wrong to infringe upon the rights of the citizens of the United States only a few of which are described in the Preamble and the first ten amendments of the US Constitution.
All “Men” [read “Mankind”/Humans] are created equal and entitled to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
The concept of “Freedom” outlined in the Us Constitution is very simplistic. You get to choose what is right for you. That’s right, “YOU,” not the church of  X or parents against whatever or any other group of small minded individuals banding together to try and control your thoughts, desires and actions. It is not "Carte Blanche" though, Freedom comes with very specific responsibilities (even if those responsibilities are not specified) and it certainly isn’t free.
Your rights, Freedoms and Liberties begin to be curtailed (justly so) when your actions affect others. If your actions adversely affect other citizens with out their consent then you are in the wrong. You can not involve others in your machinations with out giving them an opportunity to “Opt-out” (to use modern “Politically Correct” terminology). No one can force anyone to be a part of something that you do not believe in or support.
The prohibitions that the Federal Government has instituted are not allowed under the precepts of the US Constitution. The States are the “Final Authority” in matters that affect each individual state. The Federal Government is supposed to “Represent the US in matters involving “Foreign relations” and “mutual defense” for these “United States.” For each state is in fact as a Sovereign Nation unto itself. The Federal Government was never meant to be a defacto Empire controlled wholly from Washington D.C.. The president is not a Monarch or an Emperor; he is more of a tour guide.
What happened in the Southern United States? When did the “rebels” all turn into “Sheeple”? Because somewhere along the lines some power hungry, politicians decided that all children needed to be indoctrinated into the benevolence and rightness of the Federal Government…. A concept that is entirely opposite of what our constitution tells us…
Don’t take my word for it, use your favorite search engine and educate yourself, Don’t scoff at my words with out learning whether they are true or not. Many people will do just that because they fear that they will learn that they have been misled, badly misled and they have believed things that weren’t really true about many people, places and things that have been reported on by the Governments (Federal and State) and lies from the Media and Journalists.
Very few people know what the Bill of Rights actually says. If they did, our Federal and State Governments would be inundated with demands from angry Citizens. Most people think they know what is entailed in the more popular amendments in the Bill of Rights, the 1st, 2nd and 4th amendments involving speech, guns and privacy. The entire Bill of Rights is equally important. Many people overlook the 10th amendment. That amendment is to remind the Federal Government that "We the People" are the final authority in this nation.
We as citizens of the United States have a duty to eliminate corruption with in our governing bodies. This is stated very clearly in the Declaration of Independence mostly in this excerpt:
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”
It is, in fact, our responsibility as Citizens to attempt to correct the wrongs that the Federal Government is inflicting upon We the People.  If the Government officials will not accede to the will of the people to abolish their power, remove them from office and rebuild the Government so that these forms of corruption can no longer be used to infringe upon the rights of the citizens again.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Project Anarchy Revealed

For those that don't know, I'm the psycho stalker fanatic that started the Project Anarchy award to show Kurt Sutter (@sutterink) how much the fans really feel about this show. It's been said that many fans knew nothing about the award. Do you know me? There ya go. @sutterink has over 150k followers on twitter. The SOAFX FB page has over 4 million likes.  I went with the hardcore fans that I knew from Twitter because that's where I pimp #SAMCRO from. The award wasn't about me. It was/is for every fan that loves the show! Every fan is the reason this award became a reality!
I almost tried to make it happen last season but I felt it would come off as mega stalkerish. Then I was kicking myself in the ass because I was one of the winners of the sons of anarchy challenge! Myra & I could have hand delivered the award personally. That trip to L.A., made up my mind for me. I just had to figure out a way to make it happen. That’s specifically why Myra Lowe was one of the first people I contacted about this. With all the internet scams going one. I figured there was a better chance of success if the SOA challenge winners were backing this.
I wanted to make it a “fan Based” project. That was really the only way to make it a genuine fan based effort. I’m pretty anti-social so the only reason I have followers on twitter or Face Book is because of Sons of Anarchy. This meant that anyone I approached with this idea had to be a hardcore fans themselves and hopefully with more connections to other hardcore fans. ROFLMAO, the “Project Anarchy” name came about so that we could discuss the award somewhat openly without giving anything away. We were after all trying to keep this a secret!
We all know this award cost a bit of money. I’m not rich by any means. That meant asking for donations to help fund the project. The more fans that were involved in the project the more small donations would work toward achieving our financial goals. There was no requirement by anyone to donate any money. I told everyone if you can donate a dollar fantastic! If you want to donate more that’s great too. While this award wasn’t cheap, so to speak, it wasn’t overly costly. We got 100% crystal, no plastic bs. That plaque has some heft to it!!
I was surprised when Kurt read off the names on the letter. I was ecstatic to hear every name from the group because everyone worked so hard to make this happen. I may have gotten things started but it was the group that made it all happen!  Ideas went back and forth. Many were shelved because while good ideas, they just didn’t quite achieve the level we were looking for. I know I wasn’t exactly happy with the way everything went. If I wasn’t happy about everything then most likely there were parts that everyone else wasn’t totally happy about either. So I figured that put us into some sort of balance.
When doing something like this, it can be easy to make mistakes. I’ve never done anything like this before. I am pleased that is worked out as well as it did. For every fan that did not have the opportunity to participate in the creation of Kurt’s award, my apologies. I didn’t leave anyone out on purpose. We had fans that opted not to join us. Perhaps they felt we were scamming people. For whatever reasons the choice was theirs. I did not deny any fan an opportunity to participate and money was never a factor.
For anyone that wants more information about what and how we did what we did to make this happen, drop me an email:
I’m sure a lot of the fans want to learn more about how it all worked. Sometimes it seems like these types of things can take on a life of their own, ;D
Beside I want to hear from everyone. What did you think of the award? So drop me a line and let me tell you about all this.
I hope all the fans are proud of the award Kurt received because without every single SAMCRO fan, this award probably never would have happened. Just because you weren’t personally in on the decisions that were made, they were made because you and all the rest of the fans wanted to see Kurt receive recognition for all his work and we all know the mainstream award committees are just going to keep ignoring Sons of Anarchy. But we fans won’t; will we? Email, it makes things happen!!
Thank you to all the fans
Mark (@Twisted_Shadow) Mitteer

Sunday, August 12, 2012

The United States will never be ruled by a Theocracy

The United States of America will never be a "Religious Nation" devoted to any single religious sect/faction or group. How ever you want to put it, The United States will never be ruled by a Theocracy. If one religious faction can come to power then any religious faction can. We have the First Amendment for a reason. That reason is to protect your right to worship your God as you choose with out being able to FORCE your beliefs onto others. That also means Atheists, Anti-theists, Agnogistics and any Non-Christian Religion is(should be) safe from persecution. Though a majority of so called "good Christians" seem to forget the days where their religious choice was so unpopular, that they were imprisoned and slaughtered for their belief. Christianity has its own version of zero tolerance for those of other beliefs even with in the Christian religion. Some factions aren't "Christian" enough and you hear people put them down often enough just like any other religion. A contradiction can not withstand the test of time. The truth is out there people just have to choose to believe the honest truth. The Old Testament (as taught to me in my childhood) had the one law, the first law. This was the only law that God needed (not mankind) to maintain control of the people. You do not eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Why would god even put a tree like that on the planet and yet put plants and animals that can kill you? The very first Law did not work. The first prohibition didn't work! Then comes: the 10 Commandments!
Apparently there are three different versions (I just found this out myself) It seems that even the so called "Experts) can not agree on which is the real version
There are 10, 17 or 21 depending upon which version you are reading from. I don't mean different Versions of the Bible! That is another mess all on its own. No, these three versions are all from...

Wait for it...

The highly acclaimed King James Version! Three different versions of the 10 Commandments from the same "holy text"! They are in separate books of the Bible as shown in the link following.
Yeah, Ten Commandments weren't enough for Mankind. Even among the so called "faithful".  Regulating morality is just not possible. We have free will and are entitled to enjoy it. You don't have to like it. You do however have to accept it and allow your fellow humans to live in peace. When you infringe upon one person’s right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, you can expect people to begin infringing upon your right to Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness.

After the Ten Commandment failure, the next biggest change I see in the history leading up to the establishment of Christianity is the "Virgin Birth" which in reality was not a "never before heard of event". Yet this occurred, approximately 2000 years before the birth of Jesus.
The Egyptian God Horus was allegedly born of divinity. 

This would most likely have been taught to the children of Abraham as Gospel in place of their religion during their captivity in Egypt. Given the passage of time and lack of reliable ability to check facts; Humanity's innate desire to create corruption and Poof, the Son of God is born to a Virgin. However by the time Jesus is crucified he claims to be God in his own right.

Back up, the Ten Commandments says that you can not have any God before The God of Abraham (*simply for identification). Christianity puts Jesus ahead of the God of Abraham. No one can get to God except by putting Jesus Christ “before” the God of Abraham! That is a direct and blatant violation of the Ten Commandments. How can any who claim to truly worship The God of Abraham accept this blasphemy?

Confused yet? A contradiction can not exist. There are only so many options; either one is true, both are true or none prove to be true. I wonder why; why if Jesus was truly God, then why the elaborate lie? Why forsake the children of Abraham (his supposedly chosen people? That's another question all on its own) in favor of the Gentiles?  Where the hell did the Gentiles come from? If everyone on the planet was descended from the children of Noah, then everyone should be from the families of the children of Abraham and therefore Jewish by default.

Why be born as a human child? Why wait until he is nearly 30 to attempt to convince the masses that he is the son of God and then, nearly three years later, change his story and claim to be God? A true God has no need of such deceptions, flimsy fabrications or elaborate scenarios. That is the province of the Tyrants attempting to control the weak minded among Mankind. The ever evolving need for more and more objectivity to satisfy their ever growing lack of security and need to support their ever increasingly fragile ego.

Another question that has always nagged at me is the “No other God before me!” line. This implies that there are indeed “Other Gods” and that the God of Abraham is attempting to merely control the children of Abraham. Or perhaps it is in reality the so called “Spiritual Leaders” attempting to exert their control over the people for their own benefit? You start off with burnt offerings, and then you are giving your offering to the spiritual leaders to sacrifice for you. They are simply using “your’ offering” to sustain themselves without having to actually do any of the herding or planting and all the work that goes along with surviving in ancient civilization. For thousands of years spiritual and tribal leaders have used their position and influence to annihilate any that opposed them. The more Charismatic and strategic the leader, the more prosperous the followers of that leader become.
I’ve studied many different religions to some extent. One thing they all have in common is belief in a higher power (I originally typed “poser”… kind of fitting in a way, roflmao). Christianity is currently the most popular flavor of religious preference. For several reason I think that pertain to the fact that this religion was created during an information rise among Tribal and Spiritual leaders, “Information Networking,” for lack of a better term. Christianity was created like any other Religion. Someone said, "This is the son of God!” And others believed for whatever reasons real or contrived, Christianity was born some 2,000 years ago.
Now the rules changed, other religions we assimilated into Christianity by The religious leaders adopting some of the primary tenets that fell within the parameters the Christian founders established. Then convincing others that they were worshiping wrong and showing them the “true way” to everlasting life. A belief most religions aspire to achieve, Eternal Life!
You are free to worship the religious belief of your choice in the U.S. but not because the First Amendment says so, but because we respect the Bill of Rights and the Constitution that the governing of our Nation is based upon. Without proper respect and adherence to the constitution, Our Nation is nothing. It matter not whether we are discussing freedom of religion, the right to keep and bare arms or the right to protection from unlawful search and seizure.
The Bill of Rights in our Constitution is the core belief system that allow all Mankind the Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. Without following these core beliefs and respecting the rights of all people as defined by the Bill of Rights then no ne will have any rights.
This is already occurring in our Nation! People don’t want to stand up for themselves because then they may draw attention to themselves and some right they enjoy mey become targeted next. That is the exact opposite of the truth! It is by not standing up and demanding that your rights be acknowledged and respected that we begin to lose those rights. If you want to trade your freedom for security, that is your business. I’ll take my freedom, my liberty and my right to the pursuit of happiness and my chances in defending my rights against those that would try to infringe upon my rights. Prisons are pretty secure, but that is where we send people that violate our rights. Prisons are secure but no more safe than a row boat on the ocean in a storm. If you aren’t smart enough to get to shore…  I think you get the picture.
I want my Freedom! I want my Rights as defined by the Bill of Rights in the U.S. Constitution! Without the right to choose for yourself in matters that affect only you and/or other [consenting] adults, you have no rights. You are not free. To think that you are is to lie to yourself and those around you.

Accepting anything less is an unacceptable compromise to OPPRESSION!



If you aren't following @sutterink on Twitter you can't win!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

People that Abuse/Torture Animals SUCK!!

People that Abuse/Torture Animals

I love my dogs. They are each and everyone a part of my family. Last week one of the dogs, Ivory, appeared to have gotten stung or bitten on her snout. She had been hiding (not unusual or Pomeranians) and had been refusing to come out and didn’t want anyone to mess with her. Well, I thought, dogs are fairly good at taking care of most anything that happens to them. When I finally was able to coax her out; her snout was very swollen. It looked like a small balloon stuck where her snout & nose should have been. While she would allow me to hold her, any attempt to look at her snout closely was evaded and at times she would even get a bit aggressive if pushed. So, I left her alone. Now that the swelling has come down, I can see what really happened.
At the back of her mouth, it would appear that some wire or fine string was wrapped around her snout through her mouth. Both sides of her mouth have been sliced completely. It makes it look as though her snout and nose are just hanging there.
I’ve checked my yard very carefully and I can find no areas in the chain link fence that would account for this specific type of would. I believe it was wire or some really, strong string because across the top of her snout is a slight crease where the swelling abruptly stops. This lines up exactly with the cuts on both sides of her mouth.
I am so pissed! If I ever find out who did this I may just go off on their evil worthless carcass. People that do things like that to animal deserve whatever foul fate Karma hands them. I’d just like to be around to see it happen. I have to make a decision. I have to decide if I should put Ivory down or just see I fit will heal on it’s own. I already know I fit does heal she will still have the gashes on either side of her snout. With out surgery at least. I just had surgery myself. I’m not in a position to put up the money it would cost to have a Vet fix this. I am thinking that under the circumstances putting her to sleep may be best for her. It is killing me to have to make this decision. She has suffered with this for a week already because we thought it was just a bee sting or maybe a minor snakebite. If I had realized how bad this was when it first happened, I can’t say that I would be doing anything different as my financial situation wasn’t much better obviously.
I catch anyone messing around my dogs again and I am automatically going to assume they intend to harm them. I sill have a decision to make and it isn’t one that I ever thought I would have to make. Let me learn the identity of the idiot that did this to my dog and I think I may be able to make a decision more quickly concerning them. Yeah, I’m pissed! I’ve had Ivory for about 8yrs now. I certainly hope I don't hae to have her put down because I’m going to miss her.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Freedom isn't Free Americans seem to have forgotten that

"Our nation had been founded in what we may call our American religion, baptized and reared in the faith that a man requires no master to take care of him, and that common people can work out their salvation well enough together if left free to try." "The deadliest enemies of nations are not their foreign foes; they always dwell within their borders." William James 1987
Those two quotes from that speech meant to remind people that we are Nation of free people (supposedly) We are capable of deciding personal choices for ourselves and that we should be left to work things out for ourselves. Our Federal Government was designed to have limited control over the day to day functions of the states and the people. Some how over time, the Federal Government has Usurped authority from the states and the people in order to empower themselves. As our current President, Obama has shown that without proper oversight and control over the checks and balances that allow our Democratic/Republic Society to function, You wind up with a dictatorship supported by a mockery of Representatives and Senators, pretending to serve the People. The greatest threat to any Empire through out history has been from within. Corruption allowed to fester until the very structure of the Nation began to crumble. Those elected to lead us in Governing our States and our Nation our rapidly and repeatedly bankrupting our treasuries and discrediting our Nation's reputation, what hasn't already been discredited by manipulation, deception, espionage and assassination.
A Government by the people, for the people is no longer how our Nation is administered. Americans are hated and despised the world over. Yet it is the actions of our Government and not the people that are causing harm the our Reputations. Our Governing bodies are out of control and yet Senators and Representatives speak often and repeatedly about bringing our elected officials back into compliance with the Constitution, they do so only until they themselves and their Political party are in position to abuse the powers of what ever office they hold at the time.
It is very likely that Obama will be reelected. The GOP having proffered no truly viable candidate (from the alleged front runners, Ron Paul being the only candidate attempting to restore integrity and constitutionalism to the Nation). Romney appears to be the GOP's candidate and a representative of the GOP aspirations to put women back into at best a second class citizen status and at worst a return to women as chattel. Women can't decide for themselves on Birth control, the Republican Senators and Representatives claim to be a better judge of what women in the U.S. need. How can any woman in the Nation Identify with that philosophy? How can any Woman claim to support GOP policies when those same policies will put women out of political office? Create hostile environments in the Doctors examination room? Women and anyone men in the U.S. supporting those GOP policies that eliminate our freedom and right to liberty are in fact traitors to the very concept of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.
The Democratic party is no better for a very similar reasons though they may approach the situation from a different point of view, the end result comes out the same; more laws limiting the citizens rights and freedoms. the sad part about the whole mess is that voting in a third party candidate would work but you have to vote in third party in every seat in congress to create the necessary environment to put the Federal Government back in their place.
I have a new found respect for Patrick Henry and his historically famous speech learned in grade school history during lessons about the American Revolution. "Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, Give me Liberty, or give me Death!" How do we regain our freedom and our rights when the entity rescinding, eliminating and obstructing our liberty is the very Government elected to protect that very thing...

Think about it for a few minutes

Monday, December 12, 2011

Eileen Hart’s response to my comment and my reply, roflmao


You can read her response to my comment here: 

You can read my reply there also but it’s a bit buried under the 70 some odd comments that her post resulted in. Only one or two positive responses were amongst the entire slough of comments that readers left.

Now, in Eileen’s defense, she only has 2 other blog posts that I could find (I didn’t look real hard). If you’re going to start blogging, no reason not to jump in with both feet. Which she did. Bashing everyone isn’t a great way to start off but then again well, If you read it you know; if not then read it because it is to complicated to explain easily.

My Response to her comment:

1. Mr. Sutter did not send me or anyone else that I know of, to attack, belittle or otherwise harass you.
2. Kurt is an educated individual with a honest to God(that’s how you spell it) degree. Perhaps he is under educated in the areas you have chosen to focus your blog on.
3.Despite my education there are a great many fields in which my knowledge is lacking. That can be corrected, should I choose to take the time to do so.
4. I never said Jefferson was an atheist. I stated that not all of our founding fathers were Christians.
5 Their are many Abrahamic Religions. All worship God, no matter what name they give him (Allah, Yahweh, whatever) It’s still God.
6.The Constitution was a collaborative effort of many men. They all had differing beliefs and desires for what they wanted this Nation to become. the current police state we have developed into is revolting and against the very freedoms our founding father’s fought for.

7. Liberal Marxist Professors? really? I was raised “Better Dead than Red” and served as a U.S. Marine with the same ideals. Though I am more enlightened now as to the narrow minded agenda of those that would restrict our rights in the name of security. I assure you I am in favor of individual rights. Less Government BS and smaller Government.
8.We as Americans have the same rights as everyone else, unless your GLBT, then you still get discriminated against. Not because of anyone’s “lifestyle” choice; as I presume all humans prefer to maintain a human lifestyle. A persons sexual orientation is their own business and not a “lifestyle choice”, it is a portion of who they are, we need to accept it and move on with reality.
9.We all have the right to “Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.” To infringe upon that right is to deny everyone the same right. What consenting adults do is their business so long as no one is being hurt. Being offended by someone’s existence is not an infringement on your rights, you just have to learn to deal with people that are different from yourself. That is just life.
10. Wake up call, I don’t hate you, I don’t even know you, with the exception of the thread emanating form your original blog post. for you to claim that I “hate you” is a bit presumptuous don’t you think?

The Jewish people are not responsible for all the problems (if any at all) in the world.
The current situation of our economy isn’t Obama;s fault. He inherited the fall out from Reaganomics. Giving tax breaks to the rich for job creation. the single flaw, no company is going to hire people just because of a tax break there has to be a need that creates the position for someone to be hired to do the work fulfilling that need.
What is Obama’s fault is that all his attempts to counter the financial collapse involve adding more debt with out correcting the problem of reaganomics. I used to admire Reagan, not so much anymore. I don’t care if a person considers themselves to be Liberal or conservative. their personal views don’t count in public office. what counts in public office is the will of the people and our nations elected officials have forgotten or ignored that fact for decades and it is time for that to change.
you are correct in that we need patriots willing to force the federal government to operate within the constraints set up by our constitution and let the states get back to governing their respective states.

So in review, I don’t hate you. I’m not a Marxist. I consider myself to be more of a libertarian. Kurt didn’t tell me to come here and harass you.

I’d also like to know what the “false claims” I made were? Since I am a supporter for the repeal of Cannabis prohibition I keep it separate from my promoting of the Sons of Anarchy TV show out of respect for Kurt’s past challenges with drug abuse/use (I don’t consider Cannabis to be dangerous though).

Perhaps you should blog more, it seems to me that you have a lot of pent up aggression.